**Special Edition Black faceplates available**
The Panther is a dual stage microphone and instrument preamp in the 500 series format. Each preamp stage uses a unique gain structure. By cascading them in varying degrees the operator can achieve a wide range of recording tones. From clean, high headroom to crunchy and gritty, the Panther is a tone multi-tool.
• Discrete opamps based on 70's Neumann architecture.
• 105db gain between two stages and transformers
•Transformer coupled with Lundahl transformers
• Front panel instrument jack and line mode for re-amping
• Direct signal path maintains transients and impact
• Balanced attenuator, input impedance switch and mic pad for level control.
• High quality components throughout
The first gain stage provides clean gain, while the second adds warmth and harmonics. The first stage gives 46db of gain, while the second offers 40db, which allows either stage to provide the majority of necessary amplification and impart their respective tone.
The Panther uses two discrete opamps for amplification, we chose a revived version of the Neumann OA10 opamp for that role. The sound can be described as sweet and musical, with an extended low and and smooth highs. They are extremely detailed, even at higher gains nuance is retained. With high gain it begins to pick up some warmth in the mids and exhibit saturation/soft clipping at overload levels, excellent for getting some dirty/smoky vocals and gritty drums. They are laid out in the API 2520 package which allows users to experiment with other 2520 style opamps in the Panther.
To help showcase the variety of available flavors we chose the Lundahl transformers for input and output. They are very transparent while also providing a lot of impact, which we felt complemented the opamps and their combined effects. Lundahl are one of the few manufacturers who make stick wound transformers, which lends to the transformers high performance and small footprint.
The front panel includes interfacing controls like a -20db Mic Pad, an impedance matching Line Pad for mixing/post work, and an Transformer Impedance (Z) switch that will half the input ratio. Along with allowing for higher impedance mics, this will drop the gain slightly and alter the load, which can act as a slight pad. In standard fashion a phantom and phase control is included as well. Lastly there is a high-z DI input on the front panel for interfacing instruments (1M Impedance).
The Panther was designed to be effective in a variety of recording situations while also being a creative tool for tone shaping during the recording process.
**Panthers are built to order**